Monthly Donation


We are glad you have chosen to commit a monthly donation to sponsor a child at Sunrise. Average donations are $25 per month, but there is no minimum donation and we are greatly appreciative of any donation amount. Please fill out the form completely and it will notify the Sunrise administrators of your interest in sponsorship. Someone will then send you information with further details and instructions. Please make all checks payable to “Sunrise Children's Home.” You will receive a statement for each year in which you make a donation. This statement can be used for tax deduction purposes for the year in which the donation was made.

If you only want to donate money and don't want to write letters to a specific child then please choose to sponsor an infant. That way money will be applied to the fund in the child's name but there won't be a child that anticipates frequent communication. We strongly encourage sponsors to write letters and e-mails as often as you can to your sponsored child. Feel free to send gifts directly to the children using the contact information that we will provide you.

Please fill in the form and we will be happy to arrange alternate payment at your convenience.

Thanks Again,

Sunrise Children's Home of Argentina

“I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy. I woke and I saw that life is all service. I served and I saw that service is joy.”
Kahlil Gibran
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